ByProducts 2: Miracles from Heaven

Her suffering made me question my preference for the life I want to have in the future. It made me question how I perceive fun. How could I have fun when there is the truth that younger souls who deserve more of what I have are suffering from a pain they never wanted to have in the first place? Is Journeying James right when he said that travelers can change the world? I find it ridiculous after watching the movie. How could someone really change the world when all he does is to give his time only for his own benefit? I don’t see it helping any kid with cancer or even lessening the pain of those who lost a loved one. Forgive me. I have belief in it once but then I think it is not touching more lives.

I salute all who are enduring the pain even if it is beyond the meter scale. A simple bruise hurts, how much more of an internal pain that can’t simply disappear just by applying any medical approach. You are not alone.

I salute the people in the medical field who have sacrificed their lives and their time in furthering their studies to cure different diseases that were once thought as incurable. I salute your sacrifice in dedicating your life trying to lessen the burdens of your patients as well as their family. I salute your strength in staying joyful for the sake of your patients. You are not alone.

I salute the parents who have poured their time, those who go beyond the steps needed to cure their child, those who are willing to give up whatever they have so that their child could live, those who appreciate the kindness of others as well as the pain that others are going through, those who lost their faith but have it back just in time when it is severely needed, those who stay strong even if things are falling apart, … you are not alone.

As I am writing this, someone somewhere is already dying because of cancer. I am right here with the comforts of a home while others are dying from a pain they didn’t have just because of unhealthy habits. Someone just died in Syria, never to see the peace he always wanted. A lot is happening around us and we don’t even know why did it come just right where we are.

I am rereading this, ukis ang bitter ko. This is what anger makes me of: galit at nandadamay. Sorry sir James.

Pero, may katotohanan sa “travelers can change the world”. Ayokong patagalin na naman to kaya tsaka ko na sasabihin kung bakit.

Eto lang gusto ko sabihin sa inyo: You are not alone po.


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