ByProducts 11: Linyang Babae

Sika met ngay?
Katnum met nga matry agbuntis?

"ate, ill cross the bridge when i get there"

Ur 25 na?

"no ate, 24 po"

So,after questions regarding my femininity ket about pregnancy met?

Ha-ha. It's like I was first conceived in the minds of others before I could learn what I am supposed to be. Society, thank you for your expectations, but I can't be who you want me to be. I didn't battle against millions of sperm cells just to be born and undergo the cycle of conceiving merely because I can, then give birth again to another human just because it was able to beat another million of cells. I am a living and breathing human being and I was born to be free. If I choose to have it later met ket Anya ngay maaramidam?

I have not figured out everything yet, which I have no plans of doing since I want to leave the future to worry for its self, but it's not anybody else's ticket to come parading all of their judgements on what I ought to be.

I just know though that I do not eat just so that my stomach will have something to digest and so that i could poop. That I do not walk with the sole aim of proving i can move. That I dont breathe just so that i could fill my lungs with air and whatever pollution and bacteria to get inside my system. That i can be a woman even if im not ... (insert cliches and sentiments here). And Im ultimately wasn't born just to make use of my uterus or to be forced not to do what men can do merely because i dont have that thing dangling in between my legs and my balls settled inside my system and refused to descend.

Mujer, you are the daughter of THE King😊 You are a living testament of God's greatness. You are wonderful and beautifully created in the image and likeness of our Creator. You are meant to defy the odds, to be limitless, to surpass expectation, to make a change ...πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ‘Š

(suddenly, I feared the magnitude of these words)


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