DANUM 2.1 Tangadan Falls

2016 sulat.hihi

I have the tendency to have an insatiable addiction to some things i cant even touch. Planning about something kasi.

It started with planning for a relaxing trip by running away from where our feet has been rooted for the past months through physically hurting our body than our brains without totally hurting and injuring ourselves in the process. You know, a plan in advance to run away from something is easy but deciding about the location is way harder when it is due to financial and physical constraints and the most important is that moment where we execute it. It would be easy if the day comes and nothing more important will present itself, i know you understand me. Even if you are a mountaineer by passion, one way or another, something will come up and all you have to is to set aside the mountain and face the now.

Anyways, ill just continue with why i wrote this in the first place. From running, mother nature called out and made me see its healing wonders. That's where the sea to summit materialized. We do have a lot of grand mountains here in the cordilleras but of course we don't have a beach in between it. Zambales came into picture, ow you seduced me so well but made me cold when i tried computing the possible damage in just 2 days. Haha.

Balungao came but the natural waters that could be found on its foot plus the mountain itself failed to lure me the way Zambales did.

Ive done an extensive research you know, so if you want me to plan your trip you can ask me and then you pay for my fare so ill go with you. hahah.

Anyways, the frustration was so bad i ended up ending an event i created and jumped from different possibilities to another untill i decided and asked why not chase waterfalls? Benguet is a mountainous range and of course the water cascades downwards so the mountains got a place where the collected waters go flowing. Pagnapagna.com is one serious useful tool. We found one so we've decided to take its bait.

Then, a friend posted about a cave recently so i was wondering why not a cave-waterfalls-mountain trip? It started from zero again.haha.

Anyways, i thank all those who have offered there time sharing , answered my questions and didn't get fed up of my countless queries. And i speak here with deep gratitude even without you finding out about it. Haah. I wanna thank those also who have endured my kakulitan even though we don't personally know each other. Most especially to my instant girl crushes and men crushes, who did what i thought i couldn't and made me realize that it is seriously possible. You inspired me people!

Anyways (overused word for this piece), i have spent days researching for target areas and have moved from one decision to another in aiming to make my peso reach the best place ever due to the fact that i dont know yet when will i get into the wild again for the sole reason that it will be possible for me to go bankrupt after the said event, specially so that im already  unemployed and nearly insolvent. Thus  dear reader what you have read is a long advertisement sayin "hire me to plan your trips!"


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